The Hero's Journey
Ordinary World: Harry Potter's ordinary world is the world he's grown up in. The house he grew up in with his Aunt Petunia , Uncle Vernon, and cousin Dudley.
Call to Adventure: The letters. One day, Harry is having tea with his family, when suddenly, the house erupts with letters; all addressed to Harry Potter. They come form every where. Including the chimney. Another call to adventure is when Hagrid show up at the cottage on the island and tells Harry directly that he is a wizard, and that he is enrolled at Hogwarts. Another call to adventure happens when he finds out about the Sorcerer's stone.
Refusal: Although it's short, Harry doesn't believe Hagrid for a minute, and almost doesn't go. But he does in the end.
Mentor: I think Harry has 2 mentors. Starting with Hagrid because he helps Harry through the threshold. But, later, Harry meets Dumbledore, and Dumbledore helps Harry through trials.
Threshold: Harry crosses the threshold when he crosses the barrier in King's Cross to get to the Hogwarts. Symbolic, no?
Test, Trials, Enemies: One of the first trials and enemies Harry meets is Draco Malfoy. Malfoy really makes Harry's life a living hell from the very beginning. Is there a reason? No, not really. Malfoy is just a jerk. Harry meets the Potions Master: Severus Snape. Snape makes it very apparent that he doesn't like Harry, although, the reason isn't made clear. He makes Harry's life a little harder as well.
Voldemort. Voldy has been a threat to Harry since he was born. In fact, he is the reason Harry doesn't have a mom or a dad. He murdered Harry's parents and tried to kill Harry when Harry was just 1 year-old. He is also the cause of the whole big disaster that happens as Harry starts and finishes his first year at Hogwarts.
Approach: Harry, Ron, and Hermione find the location of the Sorcerer's stone and find the entrance blocked by a very big 3 headed dog. But what else is under that dog?
Ordeal: After getting through all of the chambers, Harry finally meets with the person who has been trying to kill him all year. He's surprised to see not Snape, but Professor Quirrell, and he's not who he seems to be, and he's not alone. He shares his body with Lord Voldemort himself.
Reward: Harry is rewarded by getting the sorcerer's stone, and he kills Quirrell and Lord Voldy evaporates into nothing.
Return With Elixir: Harry's bond with his friends and his mentor are strengthened because of trials he's gone though.
The End!
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