Sunday, September 25, 2011


I'm afraid of being alone. I'm afraid of large crowds of people. I'm afraid of people judging me. I'm afraid no on is listening. I'm afraid of living forever. I'm afraid of losing everyone I love. I'm afraid my friends don't like me. I'm afraid of my potential. I'm afraid I don't have any potential.

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of being lost. I'm afraid of someone finding me. I'm afraid of the future. I'm afraid of reliving the past. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of the darkest dark. I'm afraid of starting a family. I'm afraid I'll never get the opportunity to start a family.

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of bugs when they get too close to me. I'm afraid of dying alone. I'm afraid of dying. I'm afraid of love. I'm afraid I'll never fall in love. I'm afraid of my dreams. I'm afraid of change. I'm afraid I'll never change. 

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of clowns. I'm afraid of chocking. I'm afraid of my own emotions. I'm afraid someone is going to shoot me when I open the door and I'm home alone. I'm afraid I'll become someone I'm not. I'm afraid of wide open space.
I'm afraid of being alone.

Aren't we all afraid?


  1. i liked all the fears. cause a lot of us fear the same types of things. and they arent just made up things. very serious

  2. Yes, we're all afraid:) Loved your voice within your writing, loved this whole thing:)

  3. Indeed, we are all afraid. I swear I'm gonna start a depression issue from all the death we talk about.

  4. one thing is certain. You definitely never need to be afraid of writing a good post. good job. i'm afraid too

  5. Way to go. I like your format, and your voice good job.

  6. I love how relatable this is. Everyone has fears and a lot of my fears are the same as yours.
