Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life and Death

Have you ever thought about why funerals are so sad? 

I think it's because we mourn the death of the person. Thinking that they died, and we'll never see them again. 
Instead of mourning someone's death, you should celebrate the life they lived. Be happy that they lived at all. Life is such an important gift, and I think we take it for granted.

4 years ago, my mom was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. The doctors told her she had less than 6 months to live....
They didn't know my mom.
She battled the disease for over a year. Living her life to the fullest.

One of her dreams was to see all 50 states with my dad. She did.
She was such a strong woman. She used to joke about my dad getting re-married. Or, sometimes she would joke about haunting people when she was gone. 

Her funeral was November 15, 2008.

It was sad. But. There was also some laughter. Instead of dwelling on the fact that she was dead, I thought about her life and everything she had taught me. All the people she had touched and befriended. 
Sure her body is dead. But, when your body dies, your spirit stays intact. She was freed from the pain of this world and set free to live forever in another. I'm grateful for that. 
As part of my faith, I know that I can be with her again. I will be able to hear her speak to me and hear her laugh again. She'll be able to give me all the advice she would've if she were still here.
I do miss her. And sometimes it's hard, but she's around. She plays with the electronics in the house sometimes, sending us messages. Right now, she's reading this over my shoulder. I love her for it.

So the next time you think bad thoughts about your parents, remember that life is short. You should always have a good relationship with your parents. They love you, and just want to do what is best for you. One day, you might lose one of them sooner than you thought, and you'll regret not being friends. 
Love in life, and in death. You'll see them again.

"Life is meant for making memories."   


  1. I really enjoy your positive outlook and your writing, and how even if it does get hard sometimes it will always be better. Fantastic job, Keep it up.

  2. That was really inspirational. I wish I got to meet your mom, she sounds like a really amazing person :)
